Crawl Map

to evaluate and crawl data

Enhance and crawl the quality of internal links using schema and tree graph visualisations for better user experience.

Crawl Map

Evaluate and Crawl Map Your Website Content

Generate and assess reports that include data on the most recently modified URLs, their priority, and the frequency with which they are changed. Google uses this information to improve webpage indexing.

crawl map leave note
crawl title

Crawl Title

Crawl URLs with page names to examine the content of page titles and meta descriptions.

crawl keyword

Crawl keyword

Optimize site visibility and organic search results by creating and crawling suitable keywords and phrases.

crawl type

Crawl Type

Improve website exposure and add keyword type, create and crawl website URLs.

What is Crawl Map ?

Crawl Map is a programme that downloads and indexes content from all across the internet, often known as a spider or a search engine bot. A bot like this has the purpose of learning about (nearly) every webpage on the internet so that information may be obtained when needed.

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